
Christmas Cantata

On December 18 during the worship service, the choir will sing a Christmas cantata entitled “When Love Was Born” by Van Denman Thompson. Included will be responsive readings by the congregation. Please join us for this inspirational experience.

Christmas Eve Service

College Church will have a candlelight Christmas Eve service with communion and special music. The service will begin at 7:00 p.m. Come early for hymn requests from 6:30 to 6:45 followed by the organ prelude. Please note that masks are required. We hope to see you there!

December Fellowship Events

As we move into the Advent season, College Presbyterian Church would like to invite you to some fellowship events. The first Sunday, December 5, join us in fellowship time following the worship service by enjoying cookies, hot chocolate, and conversation outside, weather permitting. On Sunday, December 19, the choir will present special Christmas music. Following … Read More