
Welcome to Our New Website!

The new website will make College Church more visible to the community as well as provide another means of sharing information to supplement our more personal Connections newsletter and church-wide emails. Each month, Keith’s message from the newsletter will be updated (About – Pastor’s Message) as will the upcoming month’s Scripture readings and sermon titles (Worship – Scripture Readings). The audio files of sermons will be added each week (Worship – Sermons). The Calendar will include church-related worship, meetings, and other events as well as key HSC dates. HSC students will be most interested in the Student Ministry page (Outreach – Student Ministry).

The News page is where you will find more up-to-the minute announcements about church happenings. You can search the news posts by category or browse monthly archives. Current categories are Administration, Events, Fellowship, Music, Outreach, Student Ministry, and Sunday. If you wish to submit a News entry, you may send the post title and content to Shanna via email, indicating what date you want the post to be made and what category it should fall under.

Many thanks to Jon Marken at Lamp-Post Publicity, who designed the website with input from Virginia Kinman, Anita Garland and Janis Leach. If you have comments or suggestions about the website, or additional photos, especially more recent photos, please send them to We are very excited and hope that you will be too!